Future Education: Holistic development of students

As education is witnessing a paradigm shift world over, the need of the hour is to start preparing students for the Unknown, Unseen and Unpredictable. 

The article featured in The Financial Express mentions, “What better than schools that can teach students to be prepared for such a scenario. It will be a shared responsibility to seize opportunities and find solutions.” 

The key points discussed in the article are:

  • The overarching goal of education: individual and collective well-being
  • Education should help in taking up leadership and responsibility
  • The importance of technology
  • What educators should do

Now is the time for a knowledge-based economy – driven by the application of skills, technological innovation, information, and data that will dominate the 21st Century. It’s the responsibility of all the stakeholders in the education system to prepare our students for the future.

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