What is data science

  • Duration: 8 Hrs
  • Provider: Coursera
  • Course Fee:Paid
  • Course Delivery Method: Self Paced

From the ancient time data science has been uncovering insights and trends. The ancient Egyptians used census data to increase efficiency in tax collection and they accurately predicted the flooding of the Nile river every year. Since then, people working in data science have carved out a unique and distinct field for the work they do. In this course, meet some data science practitioners and get an overview of what data science is today.

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What you will learn

  • Define data science and its importance in today’s data-driven world.
  • Describe the various paths that can lead to a career in data science.
  • Describe the advice given by seasoned data science professionals to data scientists who are just starting out.
  • Explain why data science is considered the sexiest job in the 21st century.
  • Certificate
  • Instructors
    Rav Ahuja & Alex Aklson
  • Age Group
  • Institution
  • Difficulty Level
  • Category
    Courses in Computer Science & IT
  • SubCategory
    Data Science
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