Social Entrepreneurship Program

  • Duration: 4 Months
  • Provider: Tribes For Good
  • Course Fee:Paid
  • Course Delivery Method: Blended

A powerful way for high school students and professionals to create an impact in alleviating poverty, women empowerment, gender equality, and quality education along with developing their entrepreneurial skills. The program is a combination of workshops, curated readings, training, and hands-on experience working closely with organisations that are positive social impact in India.

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What you will learn

  • Work on customized action projects in groups with grassroots innovators, social entrepreneurs etc
  • Work on an action project based on their interest.
  • Work on projects focussed on social change,
  • Get guidance from experienced professionals or a mentor, who will help in finishing and implementing the action project.
  • Certificate
  • Age Group
  • Difficulty Level
  • Category
    Business & Management
  • SubCategory
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