Electronics With Applications on Biomedical Engineering

  • Duration: 9.5 Hrs
  • Provider: Udemy
  • Course Fee:Paid
  • Course Delivery Method: Self Paced

Do you want to be part of a new generation combining state-of-the-art electronics and biomedicine? Consider this course as the gate to the world of biomedical engineering. The course is covering the practical basics of almost everything that a modern biomedical engineer is required. Learn about electronics, microcontrollers (Arduino), and working principles of biomedical equipment.

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What you will learn

  • Have a complete knowledge about basic electronics ( analog components )
  • Have a complete knowledge about basic circuits like logic gates, analog to digital (ADC), filters, and amplifiers
  • Design and analyze the electronics related to the weak signal acquisition, particularly electrophysiology
  • How to code in Arduino for real-time control applications
  • Will have the basics that will allow students to be able to create, design, or develop new medical equipment
  • Understand the working principle of electronic medical equipment and how to maintain them
  • Certificate
  • Instructors
    Mina Sameh
  • Age Group
  • Prerequisites
    No expreince needed Computer pc or mac .... any version of windows or os capable of running various design tools used in this course such as arduino To get the full benefit of the course, you will need to follow along and build the circuits. Thus, access to arduino, breadboards, power supplies, tools, parts, etc.
  • Difficulty Level
  • Category
    Courses in Engineering & Technology
  • SubCategory
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