Competition – Biotechnology

Tell a bio-tale:
Future of healthcare with Biotech

Tell us how do you think the biotech industry will revolutionise healthcare in the future. An opportunity to demonstrate your research skills, communication skills and creativity.

Participating students can submit their entries in the form of text or visuals. It could be a write-up in a document, poster, PPT, illustration or video depicting your ideas on the theme - Future of Healthcare with Biotech.

Who can participate?

Age group 15-18 years

Deadline for submission

5th Feb 2022

of winners

20th Feb 2022


Prizes will be awarded to the Top 3 entries


  1. Each participant/group can submit only one file (Overall size limit 30 MB)
  2. Submission entries could be in the form of the poster image, PPT,  illustration, video or document.
  3. Word limit for write-up – 800-1000 words
  4. Submission files should be named in the following manner: 

Firstnamelastname_competitionname for individual submissions

groupname_competitionname for groups submission

The entries should be original and not taken from an online copyrighted source.

Online sources can ONLY be referred if required. Plagiarism is not allowed. The plagiarised submissions would lead to disqualification.